Policies and principles
We consider it extremely important to act fairly and justly towards both our own personnel and others within our supply chain.

Our most important principles are documented in NEOT's official policies, which guide our daily operations and decision-making.
We are committed to doing business with integrity and high ethical standards.
We comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expect the same also
from our partners.
NEOT’s operations and the behavior of our employees are guided by the principles and requirements set out in our Code of Conduct (Code). The Code is supplemented by NEOT’s ‘Supplier Expectations’ and Human Rights Policy. The purpose of these documents is to guide ethically sound decision-making and encourage responsible action at NEOT.
Key principles set out in NEOT Code of Conduct
- We listen to our stakeholders
- We comply with relevant laws and standards
- We respect human rights
- We respect and value each other
- We compete in a fair way
- We encourage cooperation
- We are incorruptible
- We avoid conflicts of interest
- We operate safely
- We comply with good corporate governance
- We care for the environment
- We operate openly
- We respect privacy
- We react to non-compliances
We take any misconduct or breaches seriously.
All our employees are encouraged to react to any unethical behaviour or action contravening NEOT Code of Conduct or current legislation. Employees can report their observations of misconduct to their supervisor, NEOT’s employee health and safety representative, occupational health care professionals or via an anonymous communications channel SpeakUp®. The notifications received through SpeakUp® service will be processed confidentially in NEOT Compliance Committee. All notifications of non-compliances should be made in good faith.

Report a concern
You can report a concern about unethical behaviour or action related to NEOTs operations anonymously via SpeakUp® webservice or phone. Please notice that you need to give an access code (00170) while making a notification.